This is a selection of my personal favorite images. I have not chosen these based on any particular technical qualities but because each one of them holds a special memory of the time that I made the particular image
These images were captured in the Fall of 2022 during my travels to Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, California and close to home in Texas
These images have all be captured by the ocean. The sea holds a real fascination for me with all of its different moods. Sunrises and Sunsets over water often produce spectacular colors.
Sed euismod augue magna, vel tristique ante luctus feugiat. Duis ac lorem id urna volutpat molestie imperdiet non justo. Nullam at metus pellentesque, tristique sem eu, vehicula diam. Sed aliquet elit velit, vel auctor nibh tempor vel. Morbi a molestie ligula. Donec sit amet vehicula felis, eget fermentum tortor. Phasellus maximus gravida feugiat.
The deserts of the American West are probably my favorite place to be! The amazing geology is unmatched anywhere else on the planet. These arid landscapes have their own particular intoxicating beauty and so much of this area is well away from the crowds. Please be sure to check out the companion gallery - Canyons and Red Rocks
The Canyons and Red Rocks of the Colorado Plateau are a true treasure of the American landscape. Not found on this scale anywhere else on the planet these sandstone wonders are the remnants of a vast sea which used to cover the area. Perhaps no single area provides more opportunities for photographers than this. It is certainly my “happy place”
Vivamus massa tortor, tincidunt porta hendrerit vel, feugiat sed massa. In nec convallis sem, ac mollis massa. Duis dolor magna, rhoncus at purus ut, efficitur tincidunt velit. Donec quis nulla diam. Nullam ipsum ante, molestie in enim et, maximus sollicitudin odio. Integer consectetur, nisi eu aliquam blandit, justo purus maximus est, in tincidunt nisl nulla sit amet mauris. Vestibulum feugiat sollicitudin leo et interdum. Proin porttitor laoreet consequat. Mauris nibh felis, tincidunt at dapibus ac, mollis at arcu.
A collection of images that highlight details and patterns. Some are recognizable, others will hopefully make you think about what it is you are viewing
Nulla lacinia finibus faucibus. Nulla in tellus arcu. Ut nisi libero, tincidunt sit amet pellentesque eget, imperdiet ut odio. Quisque sollicitudin diam sodales, dignissim justo vel, pretium nisl. Morbi volutpat mollis feugiat. Curabitur auctor eleifend magna, nec molestie libero pretium ac. Aliquam eleifend ornare metus, sagittis iaculis odio pulvinar at.
Morbi porttitor et massa vitae pharetra. Morbi sed ex in quam fermentum vehicula at eu nibh. Quisque in felis condimentum, ornare justo vitae, placerat sem. Duis sit amet neque odio. Cras tincidunt sapien nec fermentum vulputate. Vestibulum non rhoncus elit, id finibus sem. Integer sit amet velit nibh. Nunc fringilla nibh sit amet augue mattis, commodo ultrices massa gravida. Proin vestibulum condimentum sodales. Sed non vehicula risus.
Drones offer a different and unique perspective
Trees fascinate me! Think of the variations of trees that we have on our planet. The different shapes, sizes and colors. Many of them change with the seasons. Each of them have their own specific personalities. Some grow in the most unlikely places. Some are solitary, others grow in the company of others. The variation of subject they provide is endless
Although I primarily shoot landscapes I do enjoy shooting wildlife too. These images were captured on a variety of trips and include images from Texas, Wyoming, Montana, Washington and of course Alaska.